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photo of vehicle infotainment center evoking GM Removing Apple CarPlay and Android Auto
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GM Removing Apple CarPlay and Android Auto from Vehicles Beginning with EVs

Ben Reiland on January 9, 2024

While rumored since earlier in the year, in December of 2023 GM announced it would be stepping away from Apple CarPlay and Android Auto with its electric vehicles and phase...

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thief breaking into car evoking vehicle theft prevention
Headshot of a man with a blurred background

Vehicle Theft Prevention: Tips to Keeping Your Car From Being Stolen

Ben Reiland on December 21, 2023

Ever had your vehicle broken into or stolen? It’s an event we all hope to avoid, but it can happen to anyone. And, since the pandemic, vehicle theft has risen...

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damaged vehicle evoking Safest Vehicles of 2023
Headshot of a man with a blurred background

Safest Vehicles of 2023: What You Need to Know

Ben Reiland on November 29, 2023

Over the last few years, the automotive industry has had its share of ups and downs. Between high interest rates, continued supply chain issues, changes in customer demand and the...

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heavy traffic on a snowy street evoking driving safely this holiday season
Headshot of a woman with an office in the background

6 Tips for Driving Safely This Holiday Season

Alexis Reed on November 7, 2023

The holiday season is more than good food and family time. For many, getting to that good food and family means travel. Depending on the area of the country, there...

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damaged car, evoking what to do after a car accident
Headshot of a man with a blurred background

What To Do After a Car Accident: A Step by Step Guide

Ben Reiland on September 19, 2023

Getting in a car accident can really shake up your world. Your insurance premiums can increase, and you might be without wheels for a while if your car needs repairs....

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man charging his electric car evoking ev rates
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EV Rates: Reimbursing for Electric Vehicles at Motus

Motus on August 1, 2023

Over the past five years electric vehicles have increased in both popularity and production. Even more recently, the federal government has taken steps to improve electric vehicle infrastructure. This development...

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