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Ben Reiland

About Ben Reiland

Ben Reiland is a Content and SEO Specialist with Motus, LLC. When he isn't sharing the latest mobile-enabled workforce trends, he's keeping an eye out for industry impacts. Ben's expertise ranges from mobile device management and vehicle programs to labor laws and more! Find him on LinkedIn.

All Articles by Ben Reiland

image of cars being transported evoking fleet vehicle disposal
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Fleet Vehicle Disposal Process: Getting Rid of Company-Owned Vehicles

Ben Reiland on May 16, 2024

We’ve all outgrown things. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, old clothes, toys and tastes have fallen to the next size up, the new item on the shelf, the next thing….

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personal use of company vehicles
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Personal Use of Company Vehicles: Three Reasons to Reconsider Your Fleet

Ben Reiland on May 14, 2024

Personal use of company vehicles is standard practice for most businesses with a fleet of vehicles for driving employees. In fact, it’s generally presented as a perk. Why purchase and…

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Safe Driving Program
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Driver Safety: The Essentials of a Safe Driving Program

Ben Reiland on May 9, 2024

When it comes to managing risk in their vehicle programs, companies use several methods to protect their business and mobile employees. These include verifying auto insurance, Motor Vehicle Record (MVR)…

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image of man driving a vehicle evoking fair personal-use chargeback
Headshot of a man with a blurred background
Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Personal-Use Chargeback: What’s Fair In a PUC?

Ben Reiland on April 29, 2024

When it comes to business vehicle programs, fleets have long been a popular choice. As prices have risen and policy issues persist, more businesses have been considering other options. But…

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confused businessman looking at paperwork evoking employee reimbursement policy
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

When to Outsource 
Management of Your Reimbursement Programs

Ben Reiland on April 25, 2024

When your employees are driving personal vehicles and using their own devices and other personal assets for work, reimbursement is essential. In many states, failure to accurately reimburse employees can…

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car allowance and fuel card
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Car Allowance and Fuel Card: A Dangerous Combination

Ben Reiland on April 23, 2024

It’s easy to understand why car allowances are a popular vehicle program. Also known as vehicle allowances, they’re simple to implement and easy to keep track of. All driving employees…

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image of utility vehicles evoking fleet compliance
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Fleet Compliance: Avoiding Penalties in Your Commercial Fleet

Ben Reiland on April 11, 2024

A strong policy is the backbone of any efficiently operating fleet. And there’s a lot to pack into that policy. Fuel and maintenance both make a large portion, as does…

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row of cars in a parking lot evoking fleet vehicle mileage reporting
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Fleet Vehicle Mileage Reporting 101: Trends and Fleet Mileage Tracking App Benefits

Ben Reiland on April 4, 2024

Have concerns about reducing fleet costs? Making a plan that confronts those costs, one that solves for inflation, reduces costs, manages risks and everything else? That’s a challenge. Now add…

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image of business people around a piece of paper evoking Compliance in Vehicle Reimbursement Programs
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Vehicle Reimbursement

The Risks and Rewards of Compliance in Vehicle Reimbursement Programs

Ben Reiland on March 27, 2024

Compliance is about more than checking off boxes. It can help you build a strong foundation for your company and protect your business and employees. It turns out that compliance…

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