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Ben Reiland

About Ben Reiland

Ben Reiland is a Content and SEO Specialist with Motus, LLC. When he isn't sharing the latest mobile-enabled workforce trends, he's keeping an eye out for industry impacts. Ben's expertise ranges from mobile device management and vehicle programs to labor laws and more! Find him on LinkedIn.

All Articles by Ben Reiland

image of person behind the wheel of a vehicle evoking FAVR example
Headshot of a man with a blurred background
Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

FAVR Example: What does a fixed and variable (FAVR) reimbursement program look like?

Ben Reiland on March 21, 2024

Online shoppers know the pain of buying something, only to find out what’s delivered doesn’t meet expectations. Everyone has an experience of size being off, the wrong thing arriving, the…

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image of company parking lot evoking scalable vehicle program
Headshot of a man with a blurred background
Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Adapting to Economic Change: What Does a Scalable Vehicle Program Look Like?

Ben Reiland on March 7, 2024

It’s hard to deny that we’re living in uncertain times, especially when it comes to the economy. That’s why adaptability is so crucial for businesses to survive. Flexibility is key…

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data insights
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

The Insightful Impact From Your Data

Ben Reiland on February 22, 2024

The promise of data is everywhere. From your smartphone to your watch to your home’s thermostat. But with all this data come the questions: how useful is it? Can I…

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image of electric vehicle charging stations evoking electric vehicle infrastructure
Headshot of a man with a blurred background
Company Culture Vehicle Reimbursement

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure: Is Now the Time to Own an EV?

Ben Reiland on February 20, 2024

Electric vehicles are on the rise. Consumers have asked and manufacturers have rushed to answer the demand for battery-powered cars. While we’re still quite a way away from electric vehicles…

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image of business person behind wheel evoking FAVR program requirements
Headshot of a man with a blurred background
Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

FAVR Program Requirements: Is My Company a Good Fit?

Ben Reiland on February 15, 2024

When it comes to vehicle programs, we’re big fans of the Fixed and Variable Rate (FAVR) program. We often highlight FAVR to show its many advantages in terms of cost…

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company vehicle fuel policy
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Company Vehicle Fuel Policy: How Is Your Business Managing Fuel Spend? 

Ben Reiland on February 13, 2024

Company-provided vehicles require considerable management and capital. In recent posts we’ve covered the expenses of fleet vehicle maintenance, fleet accident management and when to replace fleet vehicles. We even did a post on…

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man in car with neck pain evoking relieve pain from driving
Headshot of a man with a blurred background
Mobile Workforce Motus Members

How Do You Relieve Pain from Driving?

Ben Reiland on February 8, 2024

For people who spend long periods on the road, pain is a common occurrence. While driving, there’s only so much moving around or stretching that you can do. Plus, it…

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image of vehicles driving on interstate evoking FAVR Flexibility
Headshot of a man with a blurred background
Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

FAVR Flexibility: The Importance of a Scalable Program

Ben Reiland on February 6, 2024

If you’ve ever driven through farmlands, you’ve likely seen they’re often lined by a row of trees on several sides. Ever wonder what that was about? Those are field windbreaks,…

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image of lots of cars evoking vehicle recalls
Headshot of a man with a blurred background
Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Vehicle Recalls: How Is Your Company Affected?

Ben Reiland on January 24, 2024

The automotive market has been in an upheaval over the last few years, and one of the biggest issues has been vehicle recalls. These recalls have significantly impacted manufacturers, supplies,…

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