Category: Location Services

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Living allowance
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Location Services

Living Allowance: How Companies Can Help Relocating Employees

Denise Oemig on October 8, 2021

Moving from one location to another is simple, right? Just find a home in the destination city, pack up your current belongings and transport them to your new place. Unfortunately,…

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domestic relocation
Woman's headshot with blurred background
Location Services

Domestic Relocation: How Do Relocation Packages Pay Off? 

Denise Oemig on September 8, 2021

For many companies, moving employees is a frequent occurrence and has become second nature. Other companies may not be big enough to see the value in it or they may not be as well versed in the process of relocating employees. Still more companies are familiar with the…

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relocation compensation calculator
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Location Services

Relocation Compensation Calculator: Moving Employees with a Fair and Accurate Allowance

Denise Oemig on August 26, 2021

Employers relocating employees often help those who are moving. No company wants to see its employees failing in a new area. What’s more, employees see the financial help as a…

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cost of living ranking
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Location Services

The Importance of Cost of Living Ranking to Relocation Policies

Denise Oemig on July 23, 2021

Living cost information is essential to a successful move. That’s true of anyone moving from one area to another, be it for personal or business reasons. Every city has a…

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appreciating housing market values
Woman's headshot with blurred background
Location Services

Appreciating Housing Market Values: How Are They Impacting Company Relocation Policies? 

Denise Oemig on June 10, 2021

Many transferees are expressing concern about the increased cost of living due to appreciating housing market values across North America. If a cost-of-living allowance wasn’t initially offered, they are asking for one. If they are receiving an…

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lump sum policy
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Location Services

Lump Sum Policy: Make the Most of Relocating Employees 

Denise Oemig on June 3, 2021

Chances are, you’ve run into a lump sum policy before. Perhaps through a loan or lottery. Many companies have similar policies in some area of their business. One of the…

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compensation basics
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HR Hangout Location Services Mobile Workforce

Compensation Basics: Leveraging Relocation Stipends as a Benefit

Denise Oemig on May 20, 2021

Whether fresh out of college or moving on from a previous company, good talent is out there. The challenge many businesses face is presenting better packages than the ones their…

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relocation stipend
Woman's headshot with blurred background
Location Services

What Companies Can Learn From States and Cities Offering a Relocation Stipend

Denise Oemig on April 27, 2021

The pandemic hit many large metropolitan areas very hard. As a result, many who could afford to looked to delocate to other areas of the country. Many states offered, and…

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talent mobility
Woman's headshot with blurred background
HR Hangout Location Services

Talent Mobility: Does Your Company Have a Plan for its Employees? 

Denise Oemig on April 13, 2021

The past decade has been a rollercoaster ride of big developments changing the way we work. From mobile device adoption to remote work, employees have adapted. Some companies have struggled with…

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