Category: Managed Mobility

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Benefits of Mobile Devices in Business
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Bring Your Own Managed Mobility

Benefits of Mobile Devices in Business: Five Ways Smartphones Benefit Companies 

Jennifer Warren on June 11, 2024

Smartphones and other mobile devices are often called out as unproductive for their role in workplace distraction. But this criticism misses all of their potential usefulness. Used correctly, mobile devices are powerful tools that increase business and employee productivity….

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business woman with phone evoking how to choose an MMS provider
Mitch Black
Managed Mobility Mobile Workforce

How to Choose the Right Managed Mobility Service Provider

Mitch Black on May 7, 2024

Any business that wants to optimize its mobile device management will need to make an important decision in selecting a Managed Mobility Service (MMS). As mobile devices become more and…

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what does TEM stand for
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Managed Mobility Mobile Workforce

What Does TEM Stand For? Understanding The Importance of Telecom Expense Management

Jennifer Warren on February 27, 2024

In the race to stay competitive, companies continue to adopt new, innovative technologies. But in the rush to keep stay ahead, a critical factor of technology adoption is overlooked: management….

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benefits of telecom expense management
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IT Insights Managed Mobility Mobile Workforce

The Benefits of Telecom Expense Management: Is Your Company On Top of Cost Control? 

Jennifer Warren on November 16, 2023

Whether your company is small and starting out or an enterprise with headquarters in many countries, telecom is essential. As such, the expenses of are a necessary cost. But there’s…

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line of people holding phones evoking company iPhone update
Mitch Black
Managed Mobility

Company iPhone Update: Tips and Considerations for Managing an iPhone Upgrade Process

Mitch Black on October 26, 2023

It’s that time of the year again. Another iPhone release is now upon us. As a consumer, the decision to upgrade can be stressful. Are there enough compelling features on…

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Orphaned Corporate Devices
Mitch Black
Managed Mobility Mobile Workforce

The Hidden Risks of Orphaned Corporate Devices

Mitch Black on September 7, 2023

Technology. That’s it. That is what makes the world turn and that’s what everyone relies on to excel and succeed in day-to-day jobs. When it comes to the latest device…

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business people in office looking at a phone evoking CPD Company-Provided Device
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IT Insights Managed Mobility Technology

Company-Provided Device: A Guide to a CPD Programs

Jennifer Warren on July 20, 2023

Phones do a lot of work. From keeping people aware of the world outside to connecting them with their loved ones, from holding company communications together to continued outreach efforts,…

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Mobility and logistics, Stack of iPhones and iPads.
Mitch Black
Managed Mobility

Mobility and Logistics: An Introductory Journey into Transforming Business Operations

Mitch Black on July 5, 2023

Mobility is no longer just a buzzword; it has become a transformative force that drives business success. By leveraging mobile devices, apps, and networks, it enables seamless communication and access…

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Photo of man sitting in front of co-workers in a meeting room
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Managed Mobility

Benefits of Managed Mobility Services (MMS)

Jennifer Warren on June 6, 2023

Managed mobility services (MMS) have emerged from the legacy telecom expense management (TEM) industry as a game-changer for businesses seeking to optimize their mobile strategies or outsource their mobility management to…

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