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Benefits of Mobile Devices in Business: Five Ways Smartphones Benefit Companies 

Headshot of a woman By Jennifer Warren June 11, 2024

Categories: Bring Your Own Managed Mobility

Smartphones and other mobile devices are often called out as unproductive for their role in workplace distraction. But this criticism misses all of their potential usefulness. Used correctly, mobile devices are powerful tools that increase business and employee productivity. In what are the benefits of mobile devices in business? And how can employees use them correctly? In this post we’ll cover five ways mobile devices benefits businesses. 

Five Benefits of Mobile Devices in Business 

1) Mobile Workforce

When you use your smartphone at work, your desk is mobile you can get a signal. Aside from the benefits of making employees more reachable, this feature allows them to work wherever it is most comfortable. Especially during a pandemic, a change of scenery can go a long way toward refreshing work ethic and productivity. 

2) Apps

What can’t you do with a mobile app? While there are plenty of outside applications (like Motus), many companies have their own apps to help with workplace housekeeping tasks that would otherwise have to wait until the employee returns to their desk. According to the Motus Mobile Workforce Benchmark Report, 79% of companies plan to introduce at least one more mobile app to employees in 2021. Using a smartphone for business purposes would keep all these resources organized in the same place.  

3) Cameras

Smartphone cameras provide a wealth of organizational opportunities for both in-person and remote work. Aside from allowing employees to attend meetings virtually, they allow employees at in-person meetings to instantly capture notes from a whiteboard or take photos for social media use. Camera apps also hold other information that allows employees to track down things they may have otherwise not been able to find, like the exact date or location of a meeting where a photo was taken. 

4) General UX

Smartphones have a multitude of features that set them apart from desktop computersUsing a smartphone gives employees access to features like gestures or voice-activation, which can help them navigate their device at top speed, without the clunkiness associated with a computer. There is also the benefit of using an operating system that employees are already familiar with from using their own smartphones. 

5) Data

Having employees use a smartphone for work allows an employer to access more of their data, which can feel a little Big Brother. However, this data can contribute to companies’ future success. For example, proximity-sensing data from smartphones has been an asset during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic for contact tracing and ensuring social distancing policies are being followed. 

Encouraging Employee Mobile Device Usage 

Does your company currently encourage employees to use mobile devices? Their current mobile device program is a solid indicator. Your company may choose to outsource Managed Mobility Services, the administrative work associated with your company’s electronic devices. This can take the form of Bring Your Own DeviceCompany Provided DeviceChoose Your Own Device or a hybrid program. 

While mobile devices are frequently seen as a distraction from work tasks, they are an integral part of the future of technology in the workplace, and they have unique benefits compared to desktop computers or laptops. Particularly in the era of work from home, smartphones’ portability and features make them an ideal tool for increased efficiency and success. Companies that encourage mobile device use by outsourcing MMS can reap these benefits.  

Ready to Benefit from Mobile Devices?

If your company is ready to enable employees with mobile devices, we’re happy to help! And if you’re not ready, we’re also here to provide the information you need to make the right choice. Whether that choice is empowering employees to use their personal devices or enabling them with corporate devices, or a combination of the two, you want to know what you’re getting into. Find out what the right provider can offer your company in our post, How to Choose the Right Managed Mobility Service Provider.

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