Tag: gas prices

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car allowance and fuel card
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Car Allowance and Fuel Card: A Dangerous Combination

Ben Reiland on April 23, 2024

It’s easy to understand why car allowances are a popular vehicle program. Also known as vehicle allowances, they’re simple to implement and easy to keep track of. All driving employees…

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image of car parked at gas station pump
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Mobile Workforce Oil Check Vehicle Reimbursement

Oil Check: Factors Impacting Present Gas Prices and Possible Future Outcomes

Ben Reiland on October 13, 2023

Gas prices have always been a hot discussion topic, especially as the costs continue to climb. For many, gas prices are just another point of frustration in a long list…

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how gas prices are determined
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Mobile Workforce Motus Members Oil Check

Oil Check: How Gas Prices Are Determined

Ken Robinson on February 2, 2023

Elevated gas prices have been top of mind for drivers across the country. While prices haven’t reached the heights of 2022, 2023 is nowhere near the extreme lows of 2020….

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car allowance high gas prices
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

High Gas Prices Impacting Car Allowances 

Ben Reiland on March 24, 2022

It’s impossible to drive without seeing how high gas prices have risen. This change can be tied clearly to Russia invading Ukraine. Even before sanctions, many shipping companies refused to…

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Gas Mileage Reimbursement
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Companies Experiencing High Fuel Prices with Gas Mileage Reimbursement 

Ben Reiland on March 22, 2022

You don’t need a blog to tell you that gas prices are high. The prices at the pump are directly related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The current administration…

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oil prices
Headshot of a man with greenery in the background
Mobile Workforce Oil Check Vehicle Reimbursement

Oil Check: The War in Ukraine and Skyrocketing Fuel Prices

Ken Robinson on March 11, 2022

The price of gas has risen significantly in the past week. The national average is over $4, and it doesn’t show signs of slowing down. So what caused this jump…

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Crude Oil
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Mobile Workforce Oil Check Vehicle Reimbursement

Oil Check: Drilling Into Crude Oil

Ben Reiland on February 19, 2020

What is Crude Oil and Where is it Found? When we release an oil check, it’s usually a response to a potentially market disrupting event. Natural disaster or armed conflict,…

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