Tag: The Modern Workplace

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How Does Technology Impact Your Daily Life?

Ben Reiland on August 20, 2024

There are no ifs, ands or buts about it: the lives we lead today would be impossible without technology. A quick count of all the screens around you is enough…

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Technology Reinvented the Modern Marketplace
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Business As Unusual: How Technology Reinvented the Modern Marketplace

Motus on July 26, 2016

The year was 1994. 60 Minutes, Home Improvement, and Seinfeld ruled primetime TV. Parents were lining up to buy Mighty Morphin Power Rangers toys for their kids. And in Nashua, New Hampshire, a group of “young cyberspace entrepreneurs” launched a retail revolution when they generated the Internet’s first-ever secure transaction by selling a CD by Sting.

Fast forward twenty years. Not only is e-commerce well established, but it is a key driver in broader processes of cultural transformation that some have compared to the introduction of the printing press.

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