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Ken Robinson

Director, Product Marketing

About Ken Robinson

As Director of Product Marketing, Ken identifies, interprets and reports on trends that affect the Anywhere Workforce.

All Articles by Ken Robinson

man buckling seatbelt evoking company driver safety program
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Company Driver Safety Program: Protecting Employers and Employees 

Ken Robinson on July 24, 2024

Vehicle accidents are expensive. For vehicle owners, it’s an expense you hope insurance will cover without skyrocketing premiums. For companies, the expenses grow significantly. Why? Because for companies, it isn’t…

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how gas prices are determined
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Mobile Workforce Motus Members Oil Check

Oil Check: How Gas Prices Are Determined

Ken Robinson on February 2, 2023

Elevated gas prices have been top of mind for drivers across the country. While prices haven’t reached the heights of 2022, 2023 is nowhere near the extreme lows of 2020….

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image of man buckling seatbelt, evoking driver compliance
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Ensuring Driver Compliance in Your Mobile Workforce

Ken Robinson on October 26, 2022

What are your biggest concerns with your vehicle program? For most companies, its visibility into mileage expense and employee satisfaction with the vehicle program. But another point of concern is…

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man buckles seatbelt evoking Corporate Driver Safety Training
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Corporate Driver Safety Training: Benefits and Drawbacks of Not Prioritizing Safety

Ken Robinson on September 20, 2022

Workplace safety training is standard for many industries: manufacturing, electrical, construction. Generally, the more dangerous the work, the more likely there’s mandatory training around it. It’s why the Occupational Safety…

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continuous MVR monitoring
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Continuous MVR Monitoring: Gain Awareness Early

Ken Robinson on July 14, 2022

There are risks to driving. Those risks apply to the employees driving every day for their role, and the companies they drive for. Driving employees are essential to most companies….

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clean air vehicle program
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Company Culture Mobile Workforce Technology Vehicle Reimbursement

Clean Air Vehicle Program: How Companies Can Achieve Sustainability Goals

Ken Robinson on April 12, 2022

Sustainability is growing in a big way. The influence of the sustainability movement has grown beyond the consumer level to the highest levels of government. New federal rules state that…

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oil prices
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Mobile Workforce Oil Check Vehicle Reimbursement

Oil Check: The War in Ukraine and Skyrocketing Fuel Prices

Ken Robinson on March 11, 2022

The price of gas has risen significantly in the past week. The national average is over $4, and it doesn’t show signs of slowing down. So what caused this jump…

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providing a remote work stipend
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Bring Your Own Mobile Workforce

What to Reimburse When Providing a Remote Work Stipend

Ken Robinson on August 12, 2021

Are all your company’s employees still fully remote? Or are only a small number still working remotely? Are most company employees working a hybrid schedule, switching between in-office and remote? Whatever the case, employees should be reimbursed for the business use…

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on-demand services
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Industry Trends Mobile Workforce

On-Demand Services: Popular During the Pandemic and Here to Stay

Ken Robinson on June 28, 2021

So many things have changed since the pandemic, the list of things that weren’t affected might be shorter. Some of those changes were already in motion. The pandemic just pulled…

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