For many companies, car allowance programs seem to be the one-size-fits-all solution for their employees. Everyone gets the same reimbursement. Occasionally, companies will have a few different tier allowances – one amount for the bulk of employees, another for Directors and executives. Spoiler alert, even though everyone gets the same reimbursement, some employees could be over or under reimbursed for their time on the road.
So, when companies decide to change their reimbursement program to provide a more accurate reimbursement, a lot of questions will arise. That’s why our amazing Support Teams are here to help! Plus, our Help Center is packed with articles for those proactive employees.
Ready to hear some commonly asked questions from employees when their company moves on from Allowance reimbursements?
We hear this question a lot and this is an excellent question! It is important to remember that allowance programs were developed to be a one-size-fits-all solution. Allowance programs do not consider how many miles are driven or even where an employee lives.
With individualized reimbursement solutions such as FAVR (Fixed and Variable Rate) they look at individual factors when calculating one’s reimbursement. Because of this, the Fixed and Variable rates could vary from person to person to determine a fair and accurate reimbursement.
Essentially, it’s a combination of the two. When Motus collects fuel data, we collect from over 150,000 fueling stations with an employee’s Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is larger are than just the zip code of where they live.
This helps ensure that data is being collected from the area you live and drive in throughout the week.
Great question! Typically, if an employee is living in the same area and is driving the expected number of business mileage, they could see a change to their fixed rate once a year when the company does their annual evaluation of their reimbursement program. However, there are certain instances where it can change before the yearly evaluation:
The short answer, no. To explain, the fixed payment is calculated based on the following factors:
The reimbursement is calculated based on the selection of a “Standard Automobile” that your company chooses. Since the personal vehicle being reported is not being used, the rate would remain the same if new vehicle details are updated.
Historically, allowance programs did not meet IRS requirements and were subject to a taxability test. If your company moved to an IRS compliant reimbursement program, there is a list of requirements to a tax-free reimbursement:
If one or more of the requirements is not met, Motus performs a Taxability Test that multiplies your submitted mileage by the IRS Safe Harbor Rate for that given period. Any reimbursements you receive more than this amount should be considered as income and must be taxed accordingly.
It’s typical to see questions arise from all levels in the company. It’s understandable that drivers will have questions about how it will impact on them, but the admins will have questions about how to manage their new program. It’s important for everyone to be on the same page to ensure a smooth transition.
That’s why we created this comprehensive guide to help business leaders understand what it’s like to work with us.