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Ben Reiland

About Ben Reiland

Ben Reiland is a Content and SEO Specialist with Motus, LLC. When he isn't sharing the latest mobile-enabled workforce trends, he's keeping an eye out for industry impacts. Ben's expertise ranges from mobile device management and vehicle programs to labor laws and more! Find him on LinkedIn.

All Articles by Ben Reiland

Oil Market Oversupply
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Mobile Workforce Oil Check

Oil Check: What Caused the Oil Market Oversupply?

Ben Reiland on November 29, 2018

Oil Market Oversupply and Its Ramifications Remember how high gas prices were less than a month ago? Now a trip to the pump is far less painful. What happened that…

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Hybrid Vehicle Program
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Vehicle Reimbursement

What Is a Hybrid Vehicle Program and When Does It Make Sense for Your Business?

Ben Reiland on November 8, 2018

Hybrid Vehicle Programs 101 What is a hybrid vehicle program? Simply put – a hybrid vehicle program is a program that brings all of your mobile employees together under one…

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Oil Market Volatility
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Mobile Workforce Oil Check

Oil Check: Current Trends Impacting Oil Market Volatility

Ben Reiland on October 30, 2018

Trends that Contribute to Oil Market Volatility As mentioned in the previous Oil Check, the price of gas depends on a number of factors. Supply and demand has a large…

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Crude Oil Producers
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Mobile Workforce Oil Check

Oil Check: The Price of Gas and Top Crude Oil Producers

Ben Reiland on October 25, 2018

What is Crude Oil and Who Are the Top Producers? To kick off our first Oil Check post, we’re going to give a bit of background information on what goes…

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IWPCA Business Mileage Reimbursement
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Industry Trends Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

The New IWPCA and Its Impact on Businesses

Ben Reiland on October 19, 2018

Illinois’ New Labor Law and Business Mileage Reimbursement Illinois recently passed an amendment to the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act (IWPCA). This amendment requires employers to reimburse their workers…

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Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) Mileage Reimbursement
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Does the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Affect Your Reimbursement?

Ben Reiland on October 4, 2018

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and Your Reimbursement Looking forward to the holiday season fast approaching? In the next four months we’ll be celebrating Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New…

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Blockchain Auto Industry
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Industry Trends IT Insights Technology

How Blockchain Will Disrupt the Auto Industry

Ben Reiland on September 13, 2018

Okay, you knew one of us was going to write about blockchain at some point – so here goes nothing. Blockchain, as defined by the MIT Technology Review, is simply…

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Oil and Gas Vehicle Program
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Industry Trends

Preparing Your Oil and Gas Vehicle Program for the Future

Ben Reiland on August 23, 2018

Look at as much data as you want, visit as many fortune tellers as you can afford, the fact remains: no industry is immune to market fluctuation. Even if you…

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Fleet Vehicle Depreciation
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Vehicle Reimbursement

Facing the Facts of Fleet Vehicle Depreciation

Ben Reiland on July 19, 2018

How Does Depreciation Impact Your Company’s Fleet Vehicles? In a recent study of over 4.1 million car sales, vehicle research site iSeeCars has recognized the 10 cars sure to depreciate…

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