Tag: Mobile Workers

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Reimbursement Inequity
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Why Is My Reimbursement Different From My Co-Worker’s?

Ben Reiland on June 18, 2024

“Why is my reimbursement different from my co-worker’s?” We hear that question a lot. An easy answer would be to say that “like snowflakes, no two reimbursements are created exactly…

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businessman about to open door to vehicle evoking transitioning from fleet to favr
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Mobile Workforce Vehicle Reimbursement

Transitioning From Fleet to FAVR: An Employee’s Perspective

Ben Reiland on November 13, 2023

Companies today are constantly seeking more efficient and cost-effective solutions to manage their workforce’s transportation needs in an ever-evolving business landscape. One transition gaining significant traction is the shift from…

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heavy traffic on a snowy street evoking driving safely this holiday season
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Mobile Workforce Motus Members

6 Tips for Driving Safely This Holiday Season

Alexis Reed on November 7, 2023

The holiday season is more than good food and family time. For many, getting to that good food and family means travel. Depending on the area of the country, there…

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Mobile Workforce Motus News Vehicle Reimbursement

Motus Energizes Vehicle Reimbursement with Motus Perks and Insights

Motus on July 11, 2023

Personalized, localized discounts for drivers and customized, automated reporting for administrators increase value of market-leading vehicle reimbursement solutions BOSTON, Mass., July 11, 2023 – Motus, the definitive leader in mobile…

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motus tutorials
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Motus News

Using Motus Just Got Even Easier: Introducing Our New Tutorials

Alexis Reed on March 29, 2018

At Motus, we’re committed to making your workday easier on the road. With our new tutorials, you’ll learn how to take advantage of all the benefits using Motus has to…

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Must-Follow Twitter Accounts
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Motus Members Technology

Five Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for the Mobile Worker

Lara Gibbons on November 21, 2017

Today’s working world is almost entirely mobile. In fact, it’s expected that by the year 2020, 75 percent of the U.S. workforce will be full-fledged mobile workers. Part of the…

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mobile technology
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Mobile Workforce Technology

How Mobile Technology Lowers Costs and Increases Productivity

Alexis Reed on October 13, 2016

Mobile technology has reached a tipping point in business, and for good reason. Not only has mobile adoption reached a critical mass among employees, but many businesses are finding that those employees are willing – and in some cases even eager – to leverage their own devices for business applications. While companies originally feared mobile would be more of a distraction than a benefit, they are today finding the opposite to be true.

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Apps for Mobile Workers
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Company Culture Mobile Workforce Technology

Five Apps Every Mobile Worker Needs

Lara Gibbons on September 23, 2016

Life as a mobile employee undoubtedly requires lots of focus, energy, attention to detail, and patience. Whether you’re a sales rep for a large pharmaceutical company or you’re stocking shelves from one grocery store to the next, certain every day challenges are sure to surface and stifle your ability to conquer. The reality is, we now live in a society that is dictated by technology. There seems to be an app for everything nowadays, allowing for all of us to navigate through life with more at our fingertips. In a world where the workforce is becoming exponentially more mobile, employees are blessed with opportunities to stay more organized, resourceful and (perhaps most paramount), increasingly more productive in the field. Without further ado, here are five really cool applications that are absolutely essential to the mobile employee’s success.

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Technology Reinvented the Modern Marketplace
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Business As Unusual: How Technology Reinvented the Modern Marketplace

Motus on July 26, 2016

The year was 1994. 60 Minutes, Home Improvement, and Seinfeld ruled primetime TV. Parents were lining up to buy Mighty Morphin Power Rangers toys for their kids. And in Nashua, New Hampshire, a group of “young cyberspace entrepreneurs” launched a retail revolution when they generated the Internet’s first-ever secure transaction by selling a CD by Sting.

Fast forward twenty years. Not only is e-commerce well established, but it is a key driver in broader processes of cultural transformation that some have compared to the introduction of the printing press.

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